Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Delightful Surprise

Yesterday, a woman wrote that every baby has a story about how they entered this world. Each story is treasured by the family and delightfully shared with others.

Over a glass of celebratory champagne, my dear friend told me about the night her darling daughter was born.

This wee one is the first granddaughter in the family. The besotted Grandpa got tears in his eyes when he shared the experience of meeting her for the first time.

It's a little over a month that this little one debuted but, as every parent knows, the days go by so slow but the years seem to fly by.  And this one is just beginning.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bedside Reading

A weekend isn't complete without a trip to the library.  Needless to say, reading is the national pastime at Household Mig. A stack of books sits on the bedsides and doesn't appear to get any smaller as books are swapped out or added to the pile.

The memoir I'm reading now is fascinating: Madam Secretary by Madeleine Albright.

I bought the book years ago with the excitement of reading Ms. Albright's life story. But, the book remained unopened on the bookshelf.  Every few months I would pick it up and think about reading it but, the timing was never right.  A few days ago I picked the book up again.  My timing was right. Just right.

I've only reached the chapter where she has accepted the post as the UN Ambassador at the start of the Clinton administration.

This woman's life path, so far, it fascinating.  Her choice of words to put to print is so gentle.  Madam Secretary, its been a pleasure.