Monday, August 23, 2010

London or Bust

I'm sure it drives my dreamy husband crazy.  Every couple of weeks I tell him that I want to move.  This week, I've decided that we are going to move to London.  I've gone so far as to email a friend of mine who lives there and asked her to hire Mr. Dreamy.  Pretty please.  I'm not entirely sure that she took me seriously.  Will press the issue if need be!

Pros: My wee one will call me Mummy.  We'd be a train ride away from my favorite city: Paris.  We get the excitement of making London our own.  New food, new culture.  Tea time!

Cons: The grandparents would kill us.  Dead.  And then take our kid.

Ok, so there are considerably more pros than cons for this idea.  However, the cons are significant.  Hmmm... must think further.

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