Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend Treat

a happy Cricket
I really enjoy sleeping-in. I'm especially fond of naps. My relationship with my dreamboat husband was well solidified before I completely comprehended his disdain for sleeping late and napping. How could this be?

It took almost a year of negotiation before we reached a settlement. On weekends, I can sleep in and Mr. Dreamboat can leisurely read his newspapers at a local coffee shop without either of us complaining. When we lived downtown, the puppies and I would, upon waking, take our first walk of the day down to the cafe and collect him. He always greeted us with a smile and a fresh cafe au lait for me. I know, dreamy!

On our walk home, Mr. D would recap all the goings-on and people-watching adventures.

Now that our little family unit is one wee person bigger, we outgrew our little rental downtown and moved on to new adventures out west of the City. The coffee shops aren't in walking distance anymore but the sleep-ins are still taking place. However, the coffee comes to me upon his return. Dunkin'Donuts. Hazelnut. With cream and sugar.

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